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A 0.2 solar mass protostar with a Keplerian disk in the very young L1527 IRS system

机译:一个0.2太阳质量的protostar,在非常年轻的L1527中带有一个开普勒盘   IRs系统



In their earliest stages, protostars accrete mass from their surroundingenvelopes through circumstellar disks. Until now, the smallest observedprotostar/envelope mass ratio was ~2.1. The protostar L1527 IRS is thought tobe in the earliest stages of star formation. Its envelope contains ~1 solarmass of material within a ~0.05 pc radius, and earlier observations suggestedthe presence of an edge-on disk. Here we report observations of dust continuumemission and 13CO (J=2-1) line emission from the disk around L1527, from whichwe determine a protostellar mass of M = 0.19 +/- 0.04 solar masses and aprotostar/envelope mass ratio of ~0.2. We conclude that most of the luminosityis generated through the accretion process, with an accretion rate of ~6.6 x10^-7 solar masses per year. If it has been accreting at that rate through muchof its life, its age is ~300,000 yr, though theory suggests larger accretionrates earlier, so it may be younger. The presence of a rotationally--supporteddisk is confirmed and significantly more mass may be added to itsplanet-forming region as well as the protostar itself.
机译:在最早的阶段,原恒星通过星际盘从周围的信封中积累质量。到目前为止,观察到的最小原恒星/包络质量比为〜2.1。 L1527 IRS原恒星被认为处于恒星形成的最早阶段。它的包络层在〜0.05 pc半径内包含约1个太阳质量的物质,早期的观察表明存在边缘盘。在这里,我们报告了在L1527周围的盘上观测到的尘埃连续性和13CO(J = 2-1)线发射的观测结果,由此我们确定了M = 0.19 +/- 0.04太阳质量的原恒星质量和〜0.2的原恒星/包络质量比。我们得出的结论是,大多数光度是通过吸积过程产生的,每年的吸积率约为6.6 x10 ^ -7太阳质量。如果它在其一生的大部分时间内一直以这种速度繁殖,那么它的年龄约为300,000岁,尽管理论上认为较大的繁殖速度会早一些,所以它可能会更年轻。旋转支撑圆盘的存在得到确认,并且可以向其行星形成区域以及原恒星本身增加更多的质量。



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